
It is mandatory that at least one author of an accepted paper may register in order for the paper to appear in the Journal Issue. If an author has got more than one accepted papers, only one paper can be registered for a issue; other papers can be considered for the forthcoming Archives.

Indian Authors
Foreign Authors
Author Registration
INR 2,500/-
USD 75/-
Hardcopy of the Journal
INR 1,000/-
USD 45/-

Payment mode

  • USD/EUR is considered as the absolute denomination. Authors can transfer its equivalent amount from any of your Bank and Country/Currency. In such case, for paper publication registration fee, the conversion rate shall be calculated against the conversion rate of the day when the papers submission for review is ended; And for membership and others, exchange rate on the date transaction is applicable. You may choose any one of the banking options according to your convenience.

  • Scan the Hinweis Research QR code with the payment app and make the payment

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Processing Charge Includes:

Publication of one entire research paper in Online
Individual Digital Object Identifier(DOI) Number to every article
Individual Soft Copy of Certificate to all author of paper
Indexing process
Editorial Fee
Maintenance of Website
Link resolvers and journal infrastructures.

Mode of Payments

Net Banking: Author can deposit the publication charges using the most reliable and online secure payment gateway by choosing net banking option.

NEFT Transfer: Author can deposit the publication charges to the given account in acceptance mail, by using their online net banking account for National Electronic Funds Transfer (NEFT).

Direct Deposit: Authors can deposit the publication charges directly to the given account in acceptance mail, by going nearby bank.

Copyright Transfer

All Authors have to sign (for their individual paper) electronics Copyright Transfer Form can be available at PDF


The Hinweis Journal Registration Form can be available at PDF

Send your completed registration form along with the scanned copy of the proof of payments to jour.hien @

Camera Ready Paper Submission

All camera ready papers must be submitted in MS WORD file format only (PDF is NOT accepted).

The Hinweis template can be available at DOC | PDF